Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dryer Outlet Installation

So the laundry room lacked a 220v outlet for the dryer and only had a gas hookup. As I spent a fair amount of money on my Bosch washer and dryer and didn't want to have to buy a new one, so my first project was to get a dryer outlet installed so I could wash and dry some clothes. This turned out to be slightly more complicated that I thought it would be.

The first problem was that it was an exterior wall, and that meant dealing with the fiberglass batt insulation. The second problem was that it was on the exact opposite wall from the breaker box, which meant I had to run about 75 feet of cable. Luckily I have a basement so this was too bad, but the cable alone came out to 125 dollars. I managed to get it all installed as you can see in the picture. The cable actually came up on the left wall and then went around the corner. This was the third problem, namely trying to get a 10awg 4 wire cable through 2 holes and around a 90 degree corner that I couldn't access. I ended up feeding a wire hanger through and using it as a pull to get the cable.

Then it was just a matter of buying some new drywall and installing it and my mom did the mud work. The back wall was done in 2 2x4 sections because a 4x4 section wouldn't fit in my trunk.

Here you can see the finished room after it was painted. The cables on the left are speaker cables the previous owner installed to wire the kitchen for audio.

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